Resources: Being an Editor and Running an Editing Business
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Becoming an Editor FAQ
In this FAQ-style post, I answer questions I often get asked by new or aspiring editors, such as how to become an editor, get work, market, and meet other editors. Find tons of resources inside.
Editorial Business Insights
Becoming a professional editing who runs their own business can be a daunting task, so this post includes the things I learned after my first year in business as a freelance editor.
Bits of Editorial Wisdom
I took to Twitter and asked the wonderful #edibuddies community for tips and insights about being an editor. This post contains the invaluable wisdom they shared.
Style Sheets: What They Are and How to Use Them
Style sheets are useful tools for any writer or editor that help you stay consistent with formatting and style throughout a manuscript or series. Includes a free downloadable template.
Microaggressions in Editing
One of the first rules of editing is to do no harm. Microaggressions are one way in which editors may be harming the text they work on and the writers they work with.
Efficiency Tools for Editing
Finding shortcuts to become more efficient with the editing process is a bonus for any writer or editor. Learn more about what tools you can take advantage of to cut down on repetitive tasks.
Using Word Macros for Editing
Word macros are nifty efficiency tools that can help you automate tasks and speed up your writing and editing. Includes a video so you can see what macros look like in action.
Confessions of a Former Grammar Stickler
In this post, I talk about descriptive versus prescriptive grammar, how I made the shift from stickler to pragmatist, and why you should too.
What 1 Year of Public Speaking Taught Me
As someone who fears public speaking, I’ve somehow done 20 speaking events in one year. I recap what these endeavors have taught me.
Twitter as a Learning Tool for Editors
By following the right accounts on Twitter, editors can learn more about language and social progress, which fills in our knowledge gaps and helps us in our work with clients.
What My Dog Taught Me about Running an Editing Business
A tribute to Roxy and all the lessons I’ve learned from her about running my editing business.
Giving Myself Permission to Grieve
A look at how grieving the loss of my dog has affected me as an editorial business owner, including the changes I’ve seen and the struggles I’ve dealt with
Rabbit with a Red Pen Is Five!
I reflect on the lessons I've learned, the surreal moments I've experienced, and some of the favorite things I've done for my business over the last five years.
A 2022 Recap (or Something Like That)
I celebrate my business highlights of 2022, talk about a bittersweet change that happened, and share some stats and pie charts.
Here’s to Two Years!
June 2021 was my two-year anniversary since I filed for an LLC to start my editing business. I celebrate my biggest wins from my first two years.
2020: Lessons from the Longest Year
For many of us, 2020 was an extremely difficult year. I sum up several valuable lessons I learned in my editing business as a result of those challenges.
My Interview with Outside the Book
I had the privilege of being interviewed by Cynthia Williams for her Outside the Book project, highlighting editors of color.
Editing as a Helping Profession
After leaving a social work career to pursue editing, I mourned the idea of no longer being in a helping profession. I discuss how editing can be considered a helping profession.
Webinar on Microaggressions in Editing
This recording of the webinar I presented for ACES: The Society for Editing is free for ACES members and $30 for nonmembers.